
McLarty Scholarship Piano Solo Pre-Grade 1 - 74000, 75003, 76500
CMF Medal Novice 1 First Year Study - 00161
CMF Medal Novice 2 Second Year Study - 00162
CMF Medal Special Study Under 18 Months - 00163, 00164
CMF Medal Novice 1 & 2 Duet First & Second Year Study - 00165, 00166
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship Piano Solo Classical - 71108, 71113
Coronation Value Drug Mart Scholarship Piano Solo Gr. 1-2 - 74001, 74002, 74501, 75002, 75101, 75102, 75202, 75601, 75602,
Castor BPOE Scholarship Piano Solo Concert Gr. 6 - 76006
Coronation Tire and Rubber Scholarship Piano Solo Gr. 3-5 -74503, 74504, 74505, 75003, 75005, 75105, 75605,
Gus Wetter School Scholarship Piano Quick Study - 77805
V. Weber Music Studio Scholarship Piano Solo Gr. 6-8 - 74506, 74507, 75207, 75606, 75607, 75608,
L & J Rodvang Scholarship Piano Duet Gr. 5 & Under - 79601, 79603, 79605
L & J Rodvang Scholarship Piano Duet and Trio Gr. 6 & Up - 77701, 79607, 79609
CMF Medal Piano Solo Movie/TV/Pop Pre-Grade 1 - 77200, 77400
Don Merchant Memorial Scholarship & Trophy Piano Solo Movie/TV/Pop Gr. 6 & 7 77406, 77407
Gary Ulseth Memorial Scholarship Piano Solo 13 & Under - 70008, 73408, 73413
Renschler Studio of Music Scholarship Music Composition 15 & Under - 28008, 28015
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship Piano Solo National Anthem - 73501
Theresetta School Scholarship and Trophy Piano Solo Overall Canadian Composers - 74501, 74503, 74504, 74505, 74506, 74507, 75003, 76500,
Allan Zinger Memorial Scholarship Guitar Solo - 38011, 38015, 38505
Ron and Melissa Pasolli Scholarship Violin Solo - 30009, 30010, 30710
Logo & Co. Medal Lyric Poetry 9 & Under - 81108, 81109
Logo & Co. Medal Lyric Poetry 11 & Under - 81110, 81111
Coronation Industrial Sales Medal Dramatic Poetry 9 & Under - 81007, 81008, 81009
Coronation Industrial Sales Medal Dramatic Poetry 13 & Under - 81010, 81013
CMF Medal Canadian Poetry 11 & Under - 80213, 80215, 81411
CMF Medal Original Poetry 8 & Under -81908
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship School Choral Speech Gr. K-6 - 89003
Phil Anderson Scholarship School Chorus Gr. 4-6 - 25203, 26506
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship Classroom Music Gr. 5 & Under - 19002, 19003, 19005
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship School Percussion Ensemble Chorus - 65106
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship Rhythm Band Grade K-2- 19802
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship School Choric Drama Grade 4 - 85110, 89706
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship School Garage Band - 02013
Eikle Scholarship Vocal Solo Sacred 13 & Under - 90310, 90313
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship Classical Vocal Solo 12 & Under - 90110, 90112, 90211, 90910, 90912, 92510, 92511
Castor Beaver Lodge Scholarship Vocal Solo Concert 17 & Under - 92616, 92617, 92618 - 18 & Over not eligible for award
RE Brigley & Sons Scholarship Classical Vocal Solo 18 & Under - 90115, 90116, 90915, 92517, 90118 - 18 & Over not eligible for award 92518 - 18 & Over not eligible for award
Coronation Family Foods Scholarship Vocal Solo Art Songs 15 & Under - 91317, 91515, 92017, 91418 - 18 & Over not eligible for award
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship Vocal Duet- 93513
Mjolsness Memorial Scholarship Vocal Solo Concert 12 & Under - 92610, 92611, 92612
Coronation School Staff Scholarship Musical Theatre Solo 13 & Under - 97010, 97011, 97012, 97110, 97112, 97513
Edna Glasier Memorial Scholarship Musical Theatre 17 & Under - 97015, 97017, 97116, 97117, 97018 - 18 & Over not eligible for award
County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship Musical Theatre Duet 98218 - 18 & Over not eligible for award
Joy Brigley Memorial Trophy and Scholarship Highest Mark for Local Piano Solo

Adjudicator’s Choice Piano - Renschler Studio of Music
Outstanding in Piano - Thornton Electric Ltd.
Outstanding in Speech - County of Paintearth #18
Outstanding in Vocal - Coronation Performing Arts
Outstanding in Dance - Lundy Family
Town of Coronation Highest Mark in Music & Speech
Coronation School Highest Average Award and County of Paintearth #18 Scholarship -
Highest average for contestants 18 years and under, receiving the highest average
of all marks obtained in the Coronation Festival. Such contestants must be
entered in at least 3 classes of at least 2 types such as piano and vocal. Marks
awarded to the contestant participating in duets and trios will be credited for this
award. Ear tests, sight reading and quick study will be excluded.