McLarty Scholarship Piano Solo 75206 75308 75508
Drylander Ranch Scholarship Novice Piano Duet First Year Study 00170 00171
Coronation Value Drug Mart Scholarship Piano Solo 75002 75003 75101 75102 75202 75203 75503 75603
Castor BPOE Scholarship Piano Solo Gr. 1&2 74000 74001 74002 75500
Ron and Melissa Pasolli Scholarship Piano Solo Novice Concert 00180 00181 00182
Coronation Tire and Rubber Scholarship Piano Solo Gr. 4-8 75006 75008 75104 75106 75108
Gus Wetter School Scholarship Piano Quick Study 77805
V. Weber Music Studio Scholarship Piano Solo Novice Own Choice 00160 00161 00162
L & J Rodvang Scholarship Piano Duet Gr. 3 & Under 79601 79603
L & J Rodvang Scholarship Piano Duet 01421 79609
Don Merchant Memorial Scholarship & Trophy Piano Solo Movie/TV/Pop Plan II 77400 77401 77403
Gary Ulseth Memorial Scholarship Piano Solo - Jazz/Blues/Ragtime 77200 77201
Renschler Studio of Music Scholarship Music Composition 28008 28010
County of Paintearth Scholarship Piano Solo Music Composition/Movie/TV/Pop 28018 77409
County of Paintearth Scholarship Piano Solo National Anthem 77501
Theresetta School Scholarship and Trophy Piano Solo Overall Canadian Composers 70505 74500 74501 74502 74503
County of Paintearth Scholarship Piano Solo Concert 76002
CMF Medal Special Study 00140 00141
CMF Medal Method Books 6 & Under 00150 00151
County of Paintearth Scholarship Piano Trio - One Piano 77701
Allan Zinger Memorial Scholarship Plectrum Guitar Solo & Strings 38008 38010 02018 02025
CMF Medal Dramatic Poetry 8 & Under 81008 81009
CMF Medal Dramatic Poetry 10 & Under 81010
CMF Medal Dramatic Poetry 11 & Under 81011
CMF Medal Dramatic Poetry 15 & Under 81012 81015
Coronation Industrial Medal Original Poetry Gr. 2 81908
Coronation Industrial Medal Original Poetry Gr. 3 81908
CMF Medal Lyric Poetry 10 & Under 81106 81110
CMF Medal Canadian Poetry 11 & Under 80206 80213 81411
CMF Medal Solo Scene/Monologue 83113 83713
Phil Anderson Scholarship School Chorus & Classroom Music Folk Song/Modern Composers 25803 25903
County of Paintearth Scholarship School Chorus Canadian Composer Grade 3 25303
County of Paintearth Scholarship School Chorus Kindergarten-Gr. 3 26003
County of Paintearth Scholarship School Chorus Movie/TV/Pop 25203 26503
County of Paintearth Scholarship School Choral 02014
County of Paintearth Scholarship School Choral Speech 89003 89006
Edna Glasier Memorial Scholarship Musical Theatre 12 & Under 97008 97011 97012 97013
RE Brigley & Sons Scholarship Musical Theatre 15 & Under 97112 97114 97315 97511 97513
Castor Beaver Lodge Scholarship Vocal Solo 13 & Under 90911 90912 90913
Coronation Family Foods Scholarship Vocal Solo Own Choice 90108 90112
Coronation School Staff Scholarship Vocal Solo Folk Song 92511 92513 92514 92515
Mjolsness Memorial Scholarship Classical Vocal Solo Concert 92611 92613
County of Paintearth Scholarship Vocal Solo Art/Sacred Songs 90313 91113 91313 91413 91415
County of Paintearth Scholarship Vocal Duet 93513
CMF Medal Contemporary Solo 12 & Under 94608 94613 95113
County of Paintearth Scholarship Contemporary Solo 15 & Under 94015 94615
Joy Brigley Memorial Trophy and Scholarship Highest Mark for Local Piano Solo
Adjudicator’s Choice Piano - Renschler Studio of Music
Outstanding in Piano - Thornton Electric Ltd.
Outstanding in Speech - County of Paintearth
Outstanding in Vocal - Coronation Performing Arts
Outstanding in Dance - Curtis & Nicole Lundy Family
Town of Coronation Highest Mark in Music & Speech
Coronation School Highest Average Trophy & Scholarship