​The Coronation Music Festival is part of the Alberta Music Festival whose Mission Statement is ​“To promote and develop music and speech arts through performance and workshop style adjudications.”
  It takes place in various locations in the town of Coronation, Alberta
(The Dance portion of the festival is run by the Zinger School of Dance for any questions or more information call Megan Anholt 403 575-5672)

Music Festival - March 9 - 14, 2025

Dance Festival - March 7-9, 2025

Final Concert - March 18, 2025 7PM

Coronation Music Festival 







​Coronation Music Festival Committee

President - Brenda Brigley, Vice President-Katherine Rice, Secretary-Melissa Pasolli, Treasurer- Lori Eno,
Entry Secretary-Lynda Leuck, Dance Director- Megan Anholt, Dance Coordinator - Janet Zimmer
Directors: Janet Zimmer, Val Cornell, Megan Anholt,  
Veronica Weber, Kathleen Brigley, Jeannie Zinger and Doreen Renschler
If you would like to volunteer at the festival, please talk to someone on the committee! 
We would love to have you become part of our group!